Monday, August 15, 2011

Now Posting at

Check out my posts on Treetops Resort and my new topic, caddying.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm Packing Up and Moving!

You may have noticed that I have not posted here in over a month and probably came up with a variety of scenarios as to why. Let me put the rumors to rest, arrest and/or deportation were not the reasons.

Beginning in less than a week I'll be posting at and be part of website, a consortium of golf travel writers from around the world. I'll be posting on the same variety of topics as I have been. Some items will be posted under the golf and travel banner and others under my blog. While some of the posts will have already run on this blog, most of the contest will be brand spanking new. The good news for me is that will bring my writing to a wider audience and, even better, allow me the opportunity to make some money for my writing. With, the more hits on the site translates directly to cash. More hits to the sites of the more than 50 writers who are also part of, means the site becomes more attractive to advertisers and suddenly - yes, it's a darn good possibility - I could actually be getting paid for my blog posts.

Stay tuned.